Friday, January 31, 2014

What will the New Year bring?

We never imagine, from one year to the next, how many changes can take place that will impact our life.  These changes can be health related, family related, job related....any of them can happen in the blink of an eye, the ring of a telephone, a moment's notice and then we are left wondering what to do next.  No one is spared in this life from times like these and sometimes a heavy dose of reality is doled out in meaningful measures.

Are you still recovering from last year?  Or did you manage to arrive at New Year's door relatively unscathed?  It's truly subjective or in the eye of the beholder.  I never say "it can't get any worse than this" because we all know that it can.  And remember from earlier posts and for those of you who truly know me, I am half full (sometimes to the point of being annoying).

Today we are at the last day of the first month of the New Year and I can only report one loss for certain...and since it was holiday weight, I am quite pleased to report that.  Now I might not want to speak on that subject immediately following our Super Bowl party so allow me a little grace.

This New Year brings new adventures for me.  I have fallen into a routine I am comfortable with.  I still get up to the ringing of an alarm (although it is set as a last resort since no one should sleep past nine on a weekday).  I spend quality time reflecting over a hot cup of tea every morning and devotions prior to an invigorating workout.  This blog is testimony that I still know how to use my computer and am proud of it as I like to spend time reaching out, checking emails, etc. I will say their are a few moms at school who now know me as Madi's mom (first time in several years).  I am not sure but they may have thought Terry was a single parent.  I cook daily, bake weekly and have at least one lunch outing every week as well.  I have also been asked to serve on a local board and am considering a second.

I don't know how long I can keep up this pace but until I drop one of the balls I am juggling, I am doing the best I can.

Did I mention I am teaching Madi to drive?

Until next time,

All my best.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Looking out at a new view, with a new viewpoint!,

So, I have been out on my own for almost two weeks and I realize now I have some tough habits to break.  Why didn't anyone tell me how often I picked up my electronic device to check emails?  What a slave I am (was) to that device.   I may have nipped that nasty habit right in the nick of time.  I do miss my schedule.  I like a well planned and structured day.  While I have had some appointments and obligations throughout this first week plus, I haven't really found my rhythm yet.  I have plugged in some regular expectations for myself which everyone seems to enjoy as we have dinner at the French home now as a regular event - DURING THE DINNER HOUR!  I know, I have even tried a new recipe which received five stars.

Recently I enjoyed a full body massage and during the massage, the masseuse said "I need you to do one thing for me".  Always eager to please I said sure...she replied "I need you to breathe".  Have you ever caught yourself holding your breath?  Maybe just for a moment when you are surprised; waiting;  even afraid?  I reflected on what she said to me long after I left.  And again after I arrived home and shared my new employment status with a close friend.  Her words to me were, "now you can breathe again".

It's interesting when you find yourself betwixt and between, wanting what you had before but knowing that your world has changed in such a way, that unless you are willing to change with it, something is going to have to give.  You continue to show up everyday, wondering what will happen that will push you a little further or cause you to speak up a little louder and soon you are holding your breath.  Your chest is tight and your shoulders ache.

You think a massage will help and it does -for awhile.  But what really helps is when you finally ask that window over there open?  It's in that moment, you begin to breathe again.

I began to breathe again.

Until next time, best regards!

The window was finally left open...

I know we have all heard that saying, "when God closes a door, he opens a window."  However, in this particular case, things happened a little differently.  God kept opening the window but leaving the door open a crack.  It was like, I can still enter and leave either way so to me that translated to options.  I love options and will play them like a nickel slot machine.  What I didn't think about was how out of shape I was.  Every week traveling to go to this particular "room" practically killing myself jumping over the furniture, climbing out the window one day and walking straight in through the door another.  Sometimes I received a "she-ro's" welcome for good things done and other days I was a ghost.  There were a few days when, once I was inside the room, I really couldn't remember if I had just come in,  or was ready to get out, but one thing I was catching on to very quickly....I wanted to avoid the "room" at all possible costs.  The day I finally walked in the room for the last time, several things happened to prepare me for the final visit.

The heavens opened up and my life flashed slowly before my eyes.  Okay, that's not true but it would have been cool.  No, but a very definite date and time for me to come was set up and that was different.  And then it was confirmed.  Do you see the door closing?  Do you wonder how I even fit through it one last time?    Me too, but I did.  So the good thing was - I was prepared.  Now might be an appropriate time to mention I am a "half-full" type of person.  It works for me.

And when that door shut behind me, it was definitely shut.  There was no need for me to turn around and check the handle.  If God thought I had a little trouble catching on before, I certainly didn't let the door hit me on the way that saying goes.  The rush of air created propelled me through that open window and right back to Austin where I went from Board room to kitchen responsibilities in the blink of an eye.  No app on the phone to give me 21 days to go from executive potato to "stay at home mom" extraordinaire.  Something, I realized I had never been.  Yet there it was and here I am.

But as I sit back and reflect on these past 24 years and share lessons learned, there are many things I had never done (before I did them) and I expect there will be many more new things to learn.  Because as I mentioned before, the window was finally left wide open, and this out.

Until we meet regards.

Thanks (in) Giving Giving (in) Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving.  Almost considered a designated time of year, we all like to gather as a family in a variety of celebrations  (sometim...

Never a dull moment; Look past the water stains; This is out of order, there is no coincidence