I have been thinking of the telephone lately, the cell phone to be specific, and marvel at how far it has come. And that brings me to the history point. We have probably forgotten that there were really two inventors that literally raced to the patent office within hours of each other to claim the prize of "I DID IT FIRST". Alexander Graham Bell (who just might share my birthday ) obviously won but that did not keep Elisa Gray from challenging Mr. Bell in a legal battle over the invention, which he ultimately lost. This was in the 1870's, yet the litigious drumbeat sounds hauntingly familiar as it carries on today. Think Robin Thicke versus the family of the late Marvin Gaye for a real-time example, although Robin seems to be a bit of a Pinocchio of late (perhaps fodder for a song of his own?)
Where was I...so Mr. Bell invented the telephone as an attempt to improve the telegraph, which had already been in existence for some 30 years and was the very successful, established means of communication. For my younger readers, this was something that involved Morse code (if you don't know what this is, look it up...I can't do everything) and was basically limited to sending and receiving one message at a time. It also seemed to involve uniformed boys on bicycles that delivered these messages until they traded in one uniform for another and joined the Nazi regime if I remember my Sound of Music correctly. Before I move on, let me state my disclaimer, that this would be one country's example only during this particular movie. Is it just me or does the telegraph of old sound strikingly like our much 44 character Twitter in its new and improved setting?
So, to the cell phone. Does anyone really talk on it anymore? I was looking at my "house" phone today and felt a little sorry for it. It reminded me of the old "first wife cliche". You know the one. After the first wife/phone has done all the heavy lifting, the man (now older) trades her in for a younger and flashier model. Sure, "she" can still make calls, will be there when he comes home (right where he left her) and has a certain ring about her that has grown...familiar, but she isn't going to change,
And now here comes along Miss Cell Phone 2014A46TRIPLEXXX or whatever hot model launches that finally catches the straying eye. She will go everywhere and she makes you feel young again (and smart). If a certain ring doesn't appeal to your mood, presto, you can change it. Don't feel like talking, let's text. Don't feel like being that direct,,send a Snapchat or maybe communicate via Facebook or Instagram. The possibilities are endless. Oh, she is a pricey model. And don't think she won't need upgrades. But worth every penny. Don't you want a camera so you can Facetime? How about an app so you can travel anywhere? Make dinner reservations without dialing? See what movies are playing? Need a light so you can find your way home? This little beauty does it all. And dare I say it....she even has a "mute" button.
Don't fool yourself. She comes with quirks. And you better insure your latest honey. If you lose her, leave her, or if someone steals her away, you are lost. You have invested your LIFE into this new model. And if you were foolish enough to let your first love go, you will go home to NOTHING.
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#neverrunsdown |
Just no selfies please.
Until next time
your pal,
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