Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blinded by equal blind to

Just like a horse with blinders
As I was driving to work one morning, later than usual, I crested a hill that I take every day.  At that moment, I was suddenly blinded by the sunlight.  It was so overwhelming, for several minutes I could not see to safely get my bearings.  Even though I travel this route daily, I momentarily lost my way. This had not happened before, either because I traveled earlier or later.  It just happened to be this moment in time. Now, I am prepared.  I can leave early and avoid the light; or, I know the spot when to quickly avert my eyes, should I choose to face the light.  This will allow me to safely make my way down a few streets before I turn.

This is not the first time I have been blinded by something.  When I was young (VERY YOUNG), I was blinded by love.  Once that happened, I became blind to the consequences and as a result, I made careless decisions.  There is not a person alive that could have told me any different because once I was blinded by love, my way of looking at life changed.  My primary example of this is when I walked away from the opportunity to be a foreign exchange student.  I had already been chosen. There were things I needed to do to get ready and I was on my way. AND THEN I WAS BLINDED BY LOVE.  (Or what I thought was love at the time.)  So I walked away from that once in a life time opportunity because I didn't understand that real love would wait.  I know (and have) that now.

So much more than sight involved
More than once I have been blinded by grief.  It is difficult to continue being "yourself" when you have lost a piece of who you are.  For a time, I became blind to other blessings.  I am sure it will happen again.

Everyone has been blinded by something.  Right now I believe our world is blinded.  .  And we are all blinded by different things at different times.  Once we have been blinded, it changes how we look at everything, once we can see again.

In our world today, we have some who are blinded by anger and hate.  A day doesn't go by without some report of violence displayed against others.  Whether it is a personal vendetta or a cause supported by many, the outcome is still the same.  These individuals are blind to the pain they cause others.

This causes a reaction by others to be blinded by fear and defensiveness.  Our reactions aren't what they would have been prior to all this violence because now we are afraid.  We may become blind to the reality of those groups who reign terror and try to "profile" our concern.  We are looking at things differently.

When people become blinded, not only do they lose sight of what's important, they lose the ability to make sound judgments.  Reason flies out the window.  Everything takes on the bias of anger, fear, love, grief, political views....whatever it is.

This is what I know.  I have been blinded before.  And I will be blinded again.  When it happens, I need a plan to find my way safely out of the temporary deprivation of judgement I will find myself in that could render me blind to the big picture.

Until next time,

your pal,

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