Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Life's lesson plan

When I was growing up, I loved school.  Or at least the learning part. Before I finished sixth grade, I had attended five different grade schools. Yes, we moved around a lot. However, once we landed at my last elementary school, we lived in the same neighborhood through high school.

As much as I liked school, I loathed being the new kid in class.  Maybe that is why I have stayed at my "grown-up" jobs for so long.  I like to get to know people, and have them know me.

Being a non-traditional college student , I was reminded again of my enjoyment of formal education.  With young kids at home plus working full-time,  I attended what I call "real college" because I wanted the experience.  Granted, I never lived in a dorm, but I did get a taste of college life.

After completing my bachelor's, followed by my master's degree, I could easily been persuaded to go for my Ph.d, but that wasn't part of my life's lesson plan.

But I never stopped learning.

The "school of hard knocks" (aka life) has certainly provided me many learning lessons along the way.

When I was in sixth grade, my career choice was to be an FBI agent.  And while I have keen investigative skills, the acquisition of such skills did NOT come from bureau training.

I also always wanted to be a mom.  I have enjoyed this role many times over and all of the parenting skills learned have been fine-tuned (almost to an art) when raising our last girl.

My education has been focused on psychology and counseling. And although I have never pursued my license in this field, I use my education and skills associated with this degree, every day of my life.

Finally, I always thought I did not want to be a teacher; yet in looking back (and very recently) I have taught.  As the primary driver's ed teacher in our family, I taught all the kids to drive. I know my brother and sister would much rather have had "adult" Kari teach them, than the 18 year old screamer they experienced.

I don't recall having much confidence when I taught Sunday School at different times, but I have been told I am very calm and patient with my ladies at knitting class.  Patience - such a concept I never fully grasped before.

I don't know everything and I am so glad.  That means there is still so much more to learn.

Until next time,
#teacher's pet

Your pal,

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