Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Where is your home?

Today I was listening to a podcast that revolved around finding the right "location" for your home.  I don't mean a specific zip code in a given area but more specifically, finding where you feel like you have "come home".

I have never really thought about my location in that sense before.  Though I will say that both Terry and I love Texas and feel very much at home here.  And truth be told, initially Terry was a little apprehensive about making the move.  But before we got here, I wasn't longing to find a place where I would find my "home".  

In fact, every time we visit a new place, I envision what it might be like to live there.  I have lived "many lives" in my imagination.  And I really can't think of one place where I thought....not here. Some places have more to offer than others, but even that particular thought is subjective.    It's like finding your soul mate.  If we were all looking for the same thing, there might be trouble.

Where Madi's heart is!
Some people talk about their "home" as in where they came from, or grew up.  Maybe if you grew up in one town, (even one house) for an extended period of time, I get that.  While I was born in Colorado and lived there for about seven years, most of my growing up was in Topeka.  But after age 18, I moved around a bit and enjoyed experiencing different places.  When I was younger and living away from "home", I was very "homesick".  Not necessarily for where I lived, but for family I was missing.

Yet I recognize that everyone thinks of home differently.  I was talking to a friend the other day and she indicated Texas doesn't feel like home to her any longer.  She will relocate to a place where she believes the community will be a kinder version.  I understand that.

I am sure my siblings have different versions of home than I do (even though we all started in one home together).  I smile when I think of how our "kid" versions talked about growing up and all living in one big house when we got older (somewhere).  At that time, we couldn't imagine any other type of home.

Over the years, our family has gotten bigger (and more scattered).  I am fortunate to have a couple of kids living close (and my mom next door), but thanks to the joy of flying, everyone else is just a few hours away.  

At this stage in my life, my version of home has become very fluid.  Terry and I enjoy travelling together and this year our goal is a "trip of the month".  Many of these trips will involve seeing our extended family.

But at the end of the day, while I am here of Earth, as long as I am with my husband (where-ever)....I am home.

Until next time,

your pal,

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