And we will continue to do so until we understand the why. Not all "whys" are profound, yet they must be examined to understand the eventual outcome.
What do I need to do, (for example) to quit losing the same three pounds, every other week? More importantly is the why. Could it be that one week I am respectful of my body and my diet, exercising diligently, monitoring portions, saying no to dessert (at least some of the time). Followed by the next week of hit and miss exercise, lack of understanding when it comes to portion control and

What possesses me to repeat some of my old mistakes, when I know the outcome. Again, I need to review the why. It is always so telling. What do they say the definition of insanity is?
Doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different outcome.
Are we all just a little crazy?
Throughout the years, I have listened to conversations between siblings, parents with children, etc. and many times I can guarantee where the conversation will go.....based on the initial words spoken. How? Because they are navigating that familiar path, looking for sunshine and roses, when they are plunging head-on off a cliff. A cliff they are VERY familiar with.
I know there are certain topics I can bring up with my husband (sister, mother, child, friend). And I can already picture the body language, facial expressions....and this is well before we get to words spoken. Occasionally I might try going at the topic from a different angle but rarely does the outcome change. What am I thinking? Truly, there are times when I have convinced myself that this time will be different. WHY??
When I have less than positive outcomes, I always try to reflect on "what could I have done differently" that would/could change things. Many times there are other options, many times there are not. But it is always helpful for me to understand the why in my what (or the what in my why).
Until next time, when something doesn't work for you, or maybe something does....what is your why behind it?
Your pal,
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