Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Like a Runaway train

Sometimes I am amazed at all I have accomplished.  We are talking lifetime achievements here, not this past week.  I have managed to graduate from college.  I have completed a masters degree program.  I have participated in numerous training programs that required a commitment of time and attention.  I have enjoyed a successful career, all while raising children.  Yet, at times, I am startled by my inability to stay in the "moment".

a whirlwind of activity
Oh sure, I am physically present, and initially I am even "on track" with whatever is going on.  However, I can be "miles down the road" before I slowly become aware that I am no longer "present and accounted for".

I wish I could say that this just happens when the topic discussed doesn't apply to me, or the meeting is going on ad nauseam,  but I find I can start out interested in something.....and then my thoughts are hijacked by whatever random ideas pop into my head.  Actually, it's more like a stealth infiltration.  I will totally switch gears, and am not even aware this has happened until I "surface" again.

I am a very visual person, so even in my head, I tend to map out plans, projects, lists, etc.  Sometimes I go so far as to "hearing" the conversations that will need to take place.  And yes, there are times when I vocally participate.  ( It surprises me, too.)

Part of the problem could be that I never feel content to do just one thing at any given time.  If I am watching TV, I am also catching up on my Yahtzee and Words with Friends game.  If it is not my turn, I have a "go-to" game that I play alone (Merged).

If I am knitting, I am listening to an Audible book.  If I am sewing, music is playing for my singing contribution.  Not so much a problem when I am at home, but if I am expected to sit still and "be present" for a meeting, I can promise you that after 15 - 20 minutes, I am doodling all over my notes and thinking about only God knows what.

During my 30 minute drive, if I am not on a scheduled phone call, I like to listen to my Audible (currently listening to Stephen King, "It" over 44 hours long.  I am in the last 3 hours.)   Lucky for me, I can hit rewind when I realize my mind has been busy piecing together my first quilting project, or going over what I need to get done for the day.

In summary, my brain is an untamed beast, the last Frontier, or my favorite entertainment.  What I know for sure is, I cannot hold a thought.  And now you know why.

Until next time,

your pal,

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