Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Read'em and Weep

Throughout the years when my kids were growing up (and remember, that spanned a period of 38 years given the ages of my girls). we have read many books together.  One of my favorites that I remembered as a child was "Are You My Mother?"  I loved that book so it was no surprise when each of my girls received their own copy.  There was never a shortage of Dr. Seuss books and of course, any seasonal book (Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween, Christmas) were always included.

Does not come with tissues
There were some books (really good books) that I always dreaded reading.  These books always had a meaningful message as opposed to the rhyming books or animal stories.

The first one I remember with significance was "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein.  This was a book that Megan loved and I could NEVER get through it without my throat closing around the words I was trying to read.  Megan would look at me and say "Are you crying?"  Truth was yes....answer was NO!  I believe she cries now when she reads it.

The next book that just about broke me was "Love You Forever".  Who writes this stuff??  This book was published on Marissa's second birthday and soon became a part of our repertoire.  It is about the evolving relationship between parent and child.  Every time it was handed to me to read (past tense since I just refuse now), I could not get through it without wavering (kind word for weeping).

Finally, have you read "The Next Place"?  Not without tissues on hand, I would wager.  The wonderfully written book is 36 pages of necessity for anyone who has endured a lose.  I love how it is written...I love the message....yet I cannot read it without bitterly weeping.  I used this book when I was doing grief counseling with kids, and quickly realized this was a book to GIVE versus trying to choke my way through.  Madison had (has) her own copy and liked to read it....and while I wept she subtly patted my arm.  No verbal acknowledgement necessary.  Just the comfort.

So, what books bring you to an emotional standstill?  I invite you to share them (mainly so I can avoid them).  I also have a number of movies I will NOT EVER WATCH again (at least in mixed company).  But that is for another blog, another day.

Okay - sneak preview "Terms of Endearment"  NEVER. AGAIN.

until next time,

your pal,

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