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Here comes the sun!!! |
When I was walking back to my office I thought, isn't that true about life? Despite those times when we travail more valleys than peaks, shed more tears than laughter, or feel we have lost more than we have managed to hold on to, we still have so much to be thankful for.
It is like the "other side of the coin". And when the coin is "flipped" that is all we tend to focus on.
Examples....it is only when we become ill, that we fully appreciate how much good health means to us. And after a serious health issue, the appreciation is often life changing. A new way in which we view the world. Because it definitely looks different when suffering.
Grieving is the same way. We physically feel empty. The world is bleak...and lonely. Yet when we grieve, it is only because we have first loved. Not a lot of time is spent appreciating that during those initial dark days. Our thoughts are consumed with the loss. And we don't stop loving who is gone.
Those are the big things. But every day there is something to be thankful for.
These past few weeks, the area my sister lives in (Hi Katy), has experienced severe storms. Not only were these folks lamenting the loss of good weather, at times the storms were so severe, they might have experienced fear. And then.....power loss....for days! Nothing like losing electricity to remind us of how much we rely on it.
At work, for several days our break room had no water. I was irritated every time I had to walk up a flight of stairs to fill my water glass. Yet those steps are nothing compared to many countries who don't have access to clean water and may walk miles to get it. If it is even available.
It is easy to take things for granted when everything is going well. So, today I will remind myself; I enjoy all the creature comforts (food, clean water, housing, education, employment), I love (and am loved by) many people, my health is good and my faith is strong! If we take a moment to think about it, our lists can get pretty long. And I want to consciously remind myself of all these things on the good days, so I will remember them should my path go dark.
Some days (more than others) I miss those who have gone before me. It is like a physical pain in my heart. On those days, I will remind myself of the love and many good times we shared together. Until we meet again.
Until next time,
your pal,