Wednesday, May 2, 2018

To Infinity...and beyond!!!

Over a year ago, Terry and I made the commitment to up our together time.  One piece of that puzzle included travel.  For many years, we traveled more separately than together, thinking we would take our "together" trips ..."when".  When we had saved more money, when we retired, when the kids were all grown, when we had more time....etc. etc.

While I don't remember any particular illuminating moment when we both said "AHHHHAAA" our focus has definitely shifted.  It was time to pursue life versus waiting on it to just happen!

Over these past several years, we both have experienced the early loss and/or illness of friends and co-workers the same age (or younger) than we are now.  It was the cumulative effect of those life changing events that finally caught our attention.  For some, the pursuit is over.  For others, the pursuit with their over.

So we started doing things that before we had only talked about.  And while it seems that our primary focus is on travel, it is really so much more than that.

It's all about US.  Not him, not me..but US, being together intentionally.  And I have to say, I have never been happier.

Most recently we enjoyed a cruise together.  Eight days of margaritas, sand, ocean, sightseeing, people-watching, and more margaritas (which then translated to daily naps).  On our last night on-board, we enjoyed a wonderful steak dinner.  We were at our own table but our neighbors were VERY close.  Unfortunately, after just a few minutes of them being seated, it became apparent that they were not enjoying each other's company as much as we were (NOT EVEN CLOSE).  If they just ate in solitude, that would have been one thing.  But no, they decided to air every disappointment (with each other) and before their main course had been served, the "D" word had been thrown out.  It got very personal.  Wow!

It was at that point I put my hand on Terry's  and said, "I am so thankful".  Of course I am always thankful, (for many things) but at that moment, I was specifically thankful that we have never talked to each other like they were.  That is not to say we have never disagreed, that we have never had an argument, but....even in our most trying situations, we have never disrespected each other like that.

This didn't just happen.  I (we) have also chosen to be accountable.

Every decision we make creates our circumstances.  Too many times, people get confused on this point.  And there were times when we were too.

But now, it's INFINITY AND BEYOND for us!

Until next time,
instead of

your pal,

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