Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Walk (or hobble) on!

It was still dark (as usual) when I was driving in to work and I was almost there, when I saw a HUGE pothole in my lane.  I take the same way every day and it wasn't there yesterday.  Luckily I was able to center the car over it and continue on with no damage.  And then I started to think.

In the big picture, it's not that big of deal
I was thinking about sinkholes (a grown up version of potholes) and how all of a sudden, they open up and consume whatever is in the path.  There have been cars...even houses that fall prey to the widening gaps.   And the equivalent of a sinkhole in the air is an air pocket.  You can be flying along (in a plane, of course) and just like that, you drop into the pocket.  That smooth flight can change on a dime.  While terrifying in the moment, most pilots recover quickly enough.

Thankfully I have never experienced a sinkhole but I still vividly remember a flight I was on around 30 years ago and we hit an air pocket.  It felt like we were free falling straight down (not a nose dive but the entire plane just dropping).  The attendant said "Need I say more?  Fasten your seat belt!"

So then I started to ponder life.  And the most constant thing about life is change.  Sometimes you may hit a rough patch, or plow through a pothole.  You can re-route, but sometimes the detours are more trying than just slowing down.  Slowing down is another option, avoiding the rush through everything as you figure out the best way to go.

Recently, I broke my foot (again) and this has caused me to slow WAY down.  It is a challenge for me because I am very physically active and enjoy always doing SOMETHING.  That generally is not limited to sitting around with my foot up.  My preference has always been to "be in the game" versus cheering from the sidelines.

And then I remembered someone else that has never been a cheerleader.  Madison was 11 and very active in EVERYTHING.  All we did was run from one activity to the next.  Until she broke her leg, which took her out of all activities for about a year.

We were given back all this time.  And we made the most of it!  We went to the grandson's games and watched them.  We shared meals together and entire evenings at home.  And until we were sidelined, we didn't really know what we were missing.

So I have hit a pothole.  Just a routine change, not a life change.  We have all had both.  But I have noticed, that a pothole can turn into a sinkhole, if one is not careful.   The challenge is to find the best way to redirect and be grateful for time given back.

Thankfully, I love to read!  And I dare say I am becoming a bit of a quilter.  Maybe I will write a blog!

Until next time,

your pal,

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