I have one of those mirrors you set on your make-up table to assist when you get ready to put on your proper "face" for the day. My sister gave it to me as a gift one Christmas after I commented on how much I liked this amenity provided by the many hotels I found myself staying in. The mirror comes complete with lights and settings which allows the user the choice of many opportunities to showcase their best features. One side has a mirror for the "normal glance" and if you flip the mirror over, your face is shown out of focus for just a minute, until you realize it is still you, magnified in all your glory.
holier than thou |
Have you ever looked in the mirror when you are wearing an optional "face"? This is one not included in your basic mirror but ones we are all familiar with, having worn them and seen them often on others. I am talking about the ever popular faces of "holier than thou" , "you are so irritating", "is it over yet", and "I am not paying attention anymore". I can't even capture my favorite (and often seen done by me in real life - the "rolling eyes" YOU ARE AN IDIOT face)
Not paying attention |
Life has been full of so many challenges (opportunities) that my mirror with its four settings (evening, day, home and office) did not fully equip me for all those times. Nor is there a dial large enough to handle all the "faces" we must wear. And we are only talking about the dial for the planned "faces" we wear. Where is the dial for the emergencies we are called to deal with? When the mirror flips and we are forced to rely on sheer memory of who we are and what we are supposed to look like?
Many mornings I have sat in front of that mirror and reflected upon the "face" I was going to be putting on for the world I would be "facing" . Do any of us really know what are family, friends, co-workers are "facing" behind the mask they share with the world? We all prepare our "face" (with or without make-up) and bravely make our way every day.
But at least we are recognizable. With our fragile looks and fake smiles. Those clowns....they hide behind all that grease, colorful make-up and painted on smiles.. And they try to win you over with balloon animals and red noses. We don't even know who they are. They pull coins out of their ears and chased me....er...will chase you when you start running. I am no Bozo when it comes to clowns....it's every man for himself.
Me in the "off" position |
Until next time,
Check your rear view mirror.....
for clowns!
All my best,
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