And yes, there was a play on words intended in my opening. Ever since I heard the statement " The truth fears no questions" I have been thinking about it (okay, not every waking second - but off and on....and that is the TRUTH). I guess the statement could be true but the only way to get to the truth is by relying on the honesty of people. So, let's talk this through.
If you have three people witness a car accident, each one will see something different and report it as the truth. Every single story may be different and if you don't talk to all three people you will only get a portion of the truth. Now I guess we are talking about the WHOLE TRUTH as differentiated by just THE TRUTH. This is also a common phenomena in the workplace or even in family drama. If an investigation is going on, people are encouraged to just tell THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, the investigator may only focus on seeking the answers they want. Now we know why. The WHOLE TRUTH might do a disservice to THE TRUTH needed to settle their case. And are we really talking about THE TRUTH or perspective at this point? Forgive me for muddying the waters. Let's look at a visual example:

If asked to take an oath in court, you would say that the picture to the left was a piece of pie, correct? And that is what the court is interested in; the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. The trouble with that is, your truth can't be the whole truth if the right questions aren't asked, or allowed. Right now, all you know is - that is a piece of pie. You don't know if it is the WHOLE PIE, but it is the WHOLE PIE as far as you are concerned. Are you following me? So if the questions stop here and a decision is made on the WHOLE PIE, what is wrong with this picture? (I OBJECT!)

So let's say we have the WHOLE PIE (aka TRUTH) but before we take this truth forward, we decide it's not necessary for everyone to know the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. This is when it is time for plea bargaining, expunging from a record, perhaps being erased away by a hefty fine or simply never being brought to the light of day because of a phone call made, protection from the right people, who you are, etc. etc. This will depend on circumstances (legal, business world, even family drama).
Now the TRUTH (whatever kind it is) can be bent, twisted, reshaped, or made into a new truth and has become as pliable as silly putty. Heck, it is kind of silly we are so caught up in the TRUTH at all since we are so willing to serve it up as whatever is most pleasing to our particular audience.
No wonder the TRUTH fears no questions, It is more likely that questions should fear the TRUTH.
Truth is, now that we've talked through it, I feel hungry. I'm not going to think of this anymore.
Until next time,
All my best,
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