In the "old days", this penitent season was an opportunity for fasting. Obviously fasting could be counted as "giving something up". Just as it is today, fasting had a set time that one would go without food. As you became hungry for food, the thought process was you also became hungry for God and His word. And during that time of fasting, rather than going about all the normal activities of the day, a person would dedicate himself to reading Scripture and praying. Remembering all the while that one doesn't need to make a public spectacle of himself while fasting (Matthew 6:16-18)
Now people didn't fast FOR God, but as an opportunity to re-focus and eliminate things that didn't have the proper place in their life. I think about this as redefining boundaries. It was used as a time for important decisions to be made. Like hitting a pause button on their daily living, and as the fast begins, only then can the focus begin on studying what is important, giving thanks and praying for guidance.
I don't know how old I was before I realized that the word breakfast literally meant break fast, but I was much older than I should have been. And on Sunday's, I never "break the fast, until after I have heard God's word spoken and I have communed at the Altar. It is something I have done for many years without really considering how it could be applied at other times.
Ash Wednesday, which commences the 40 days (sans Sundays) of moderation and spiritual discipline is today. I started a devotional study for Lent by Pastor Phil Ressler entitled 40 Things to Give Up for Lent and Beyond. It looks like I will be challenged to give up so much more than candy this Lenten season.
And isn't Beyond what we all should be focusing on?
Until next time,
your pal,
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