Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A settling of accounts

Bonus week!!!
Dateline is my favorite TV show.  And 9 times out of 10 it ends with resolution.  The guilty person is caught and a sentence is doled out.  It is never a stranger but always, always, someone the victim trusted!  Reactions vary.  Some of those left behind profess joy, others relief and some claim satisfaction during sentencing.  What no one ever gets is "things the way they used to be".  No one gets a "do-over".

Isn't that the only way things could truly be made right?  If the offender  - any offender - could be caught, tried and convicted, and then life could return to the way it was.....before the crime happened. What a wonderful world this would be!  Murders wouldn't just be solved, they would be undone.   Kidnapped children would be returned - unharmed.   Terrible suffering could be undone and maybe we could take it one step further - the memory of the events could then be erased also.

What about "white collar" crime?  There are a trail of victims left in the wake of these greedy crimes, too.  Pensions disappear, people lose their jobs....or "resign"...sometimes at the hands of one or two people who have their own agenda to protect.  Truly, money (and power) must be the root of all evil.

One of my favorite sayings is "The greedy pig gets slaughtered".  And sooner or later, the day comes when it is time to pay the piper.  Sometimes it happens in this world, sometimes not until the next.   But I am a firm believer in treating others as you would want others to treat you.  

Have you ever noticed that people who have difficulty trusting, are people who can't be trusted?  And those who think everyone are liars, generally tell the biggest lies?  You tend to expect from other people, those things you do yourself.

Once upon a time, I believed that those in responsibility who professed the same values that I did, were honest people, being honest with me.  I believed this because I was being honest with them.  I also believed those same people held the truth in high regard.

In the infamous words of Gomer Pyle, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".

Yet much later and from a distance I see a half-hearted attempt of the settling of accounts.   And for a few minutes, I voiced satisfaction!

But in reality, the damage has been done.  There is no going back.  At best we can hope for no future abuse of power or negligence of duty.  There will be no remorse if there is even ownership of errors.

I don't always know why the chips fall as they do, but this much I know for sure;  In the end, my chips all fell "lucky"!

Until next time,

your pal,

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