Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What do we expect?

For those of you who may not have noticed, we are in an Election Year.  What that means is we have more campaign commercials than quality television and are subjected to this barrage of media torture from dawn until dusk.  I have been pondering over the state of our government, the way our system works and the overall inability of our top leaders to get along and my only comment is..."what do we expect?"

Is there any other area in our life where we "campaign" for the desired position, not by speaking o

f the talents, great experience and potential they bring to the office, but by constantly badmouthing all those who might be also "running" for the same job.  And what kind of jobs, except those elected, do any of us pour millions of dollars into the effort of securing, for so little return?

No one can be excluded from this bad behavior - although some do better than others.  Think about it for a minute.  All the top companies in the world do executive searches for the best talent when an important opening occurs.  What if those candidates under consideration were interviewed and all the hiring panel heard was bad things about the other candidates?  How do you spell success?

I'm not running!
What if a student considering where to attend college went to visit a prospective school and all the school could tell him/her was why they should NOT attend several other schools the student may have been considering?
Can you imagine what our courtships would look like if our prospective spouse, when popping that ever important magical question, also presented a laundry list of all the reasons you should NOT marry any one else.  Hardly an endorsement for a life time.

Yet, that is what we are subject to for close to twenty-four (LONG) months leading up to the elections.  We also need to hold the media accountable, as they feed this fire to a point that the issues aren't even being talked about, just who said what about whom.

And this is what I have figured out after all this pondering.  Out of all those who talk about everyone else (rarely good, always bad, snidely indifferent at times), one of them gets elected.  Multiply that by however many open positions we have on any given election, and you have now gathered a group of "winners" whose most advertised talent is their ability to speak poorly of each other.  And now we expect them to work together and get along?

I don't have the answers to everything but I do know the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Which leaves me with this question - with all this campaigning going on, how do we really vote for CHANGE?

Until next time,

your pal,

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