Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bff's forever....I

Friendship is a funny thing.  Not funny - ha ha, though you will share many laughs with a good friend.  Growing up, I thought everyone was my friend.  Once you were introduced, we were friends..or we weren't.  I always had lots of friends and I believed that everyone else did, too.

I can make friends with anyone!
As an adult, I have tested positive for being an ambivert, (someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion).  In fact, I have had people tell me, they never know who will show up.  I have chosen to take that as complimentary.  Either way, throughout my life, both have served me well.  While I may not always be as outgoing from one day to the next, I truly enjoy people.  As I have gotten older, I even talk to strangers.  Early friends are going to struggle with this new facet of my personality, as I was very introverted in my younger years.  But it's the truth.  Now I can't seem to keep quiet in an elevator, grocery aisle, you name it.  I am Miss Welcome Wagon.  It truly overwhelms my introverted nature if I think about it too much.  

Once grown with children of my own, I realized there were many different ways to manage friendships.  And just how friendship was perceived.  In no particular order, one daughter never thought she had any friends, but when I set up a meeting with the teacher (in concern), the teacher told me that my girl was "Miss Popularity" and everyone liked her.  Yet she didn't see that.  Similar to that was her sister who never complained about lack of friends, but preferred exclusive relationships.  One friend at a time, if you will.  She never "unfriended" anyone, but it was more of a "must be present to win" type of scenario.  Still another daughter was "friends with everyone".  She had friends at school, friends in the neighborhood and friends at church.  

The other realization I made as an adult was many of who I called friends were merely acquaintances.  My friend list shrunk considerably.  But since I tend to focus on quality versus quantity, the best realization I made was how enduring true friendships can be.

My longest BFF has held that title since 10th grade.  We have been together through marriages, divorces, loss, new beginnings and just about everything life holds.  Yet we don't talk regularly and we see each other even less.  But I can pick up my phone and call (or text) her and we will pick up right where we left off.  No explanation is ever needed for silence because we are so comfortable with each other.  Although we don't live near each other, our friendship continues to live between us.

The best thing about friends is they know your story.  One of the hardest things about starting a new career (or even a new job if you relocate) is that nobody knows "who you are". After spending many years in one place, I was unprepared for how long it would take for me to "know people" and let them "know me".

But Texas is a friendly state and I have made many friends in the past 5 years.  Some I thought were just acquaintances but the on-going nature of our relationship has proved me wrong.  And just as I can text them (as if we were talking moments ago) so they can text me.  It's a beautiful thing.

I don't know if I am always the best friend, but I do know the potential for these relationships last a lifetime.  And I am very blessed with the friends I have.  

Until next time,

your pal,

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