Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What a difference a face makes!

Did I mention you can color?
I don't know what we did for entertainment before we had our mobile amusement centers.  There are so many app's available with new ones being developed every day.  How did something that originally started as a telephone progress so far?

Quite frankly, if I receive too many calls I resent the intrusion.  Texting has become the new way to communicate and one this introvert falls into naturally.  I was talking with a girl at work the other day and we are both guilty of returning all voice messages with a text (if we can get by with it).  I am not talking strangers, I am talking loved ones.

Our technology has evolved to a point of on-line access for appointments, pressing numbers for automated services, etc.  Now don't get me wrong, I do have a few phone calls I make every week and I truly enjoy them.  But these are planned and scheduled.

But I am digressing from my original thought.  From all appearances, when my daughter is on her phone, I think she is "Texting".  Not. So.  She could be on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,(just to name a few) or more likely "Snapchat".  Apparently I didn't fully appreciate this app until I was indoctrinated by Madison.

I want her nose!!!
Snapchat is what you do when you aren't talking, Face-timing or texting.  You send updated pictures of yourself back and forth to one or many.  It's your call.  Now if that wasn't fun enough (??), you can decorate or distort your own face (so many options) or ...and this is my new favorite - SWAP FACES WITH SOMEONE ELSE!!!  This trick is hi-larious!!!!!!  

Now the next logical observation is how easily entertained I can be.  Madison will send me different "snapchats" throughout the day that make whatever current meeting I am in, more enjoyable.  Luckily I haven't been called out when my face breaks into a big ole grin (and many times I am stifling guffaws).  

The greatest challenge is now to subtly return the snapchat with a face of my own.  Some of them call for you to open your mouth which raises the ante.  I can hold my phone as if I am just looking at it just as expertly as the next person, but if I start raising my eyebrows and opening my mouth (without words coming out), this could be a deal breaker.

So this is what I know.  We can all have more than one look.

Until next time,

your pal,

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