Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Here's your sign

Remember my blog a few weeks back (still available if you need to refresh your memory) about the guy who was so busy listening for the words, he missed the message?  I had my own 'ahhh haaa" moment this week.

Verse of the Day
Recently I have been praying about a situation that is troubling to me.  One could even say I have allowed it trouble me.  And when I pray about it, I give it to God.....yet it seems I take it back at some point throughout the day.

This isn't the first time I have felt the need to exert my control over events.  I could represent wonderfully at a "Controllers Anonymous" meeting (if such a thing existed-ask my husband).  You would recognize me because I would be fighting over the microphone to run the meeting.

And this is despite my prayers to the contrary.  Does that mean prayers don't work?

Every morning I receive a bible verse for the day.  In addition I receive "Encouragement for Today" and it was when I allowed the message (versus the words) to soak in this week, I began to see a theme.

This particular writer (Encouragement for Today-Dr. Tony Evans) talked about how when we are sick, we go to the doctor. The doctor may prescribe a treatment plan - possibly even medication and off we go.  Are we healed?  No, not yet.  As the writer explained, we must follow the plan AND take the medication if we hope to see some improvement.  It doesn't happen overnight and if we ignore the instructions we are given, we might actually get worse.

This made me examine my prayer life.  As noted in paragraph two, I have been praying ABOUT a situation.  That struck me as funny after I reflected on it, because God already KNOWS what is troubling me.  And while he rarely reveals his direction on a highway billboard, He is always present.

Though he has been known to be that obvious before - at least to me.  When I was contemplating buying a house for the first time, I worried about whether or not this was the right move.  Financially it made me nervous to make such a big commitment.  Then I started praying FOR guidance.  One morning, as I was driving to work, I passed a sign in front of a church that said "God will not guide where he does not provide".  I made the decision that day to go forward with the house.

Now I don't always believe I get that kind of direction so clearly, nor should I need it.
 But as I study God's word on a daily basis, whether it's the Verse of the day or other articles that share how God can work in our life, I am reminded that praying ABOUT and praying FOR are two different things.

If you find yourself praying ABOUT or sharing God's word as Gospel, and after careful examination you find your representation doesn't accurately reflect the message, it's time for a change.

So until next time, I am praying for ALL of God's people and that His Will be done.

He knows the circumstances.

Your pal,



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