Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I'm just a love machine

Available for calls and confiding!
Yesterday I heard that song on my play list (by The Miracles) and was instantly reminded of one of my best memories.  Several years back (probably longer back than I care to remember), a fund raiser was being held at work that called for performers.  Participation was "voluntold" for the Leadership team and right away the imagination was fired up.

Myself and three other guys (for the most part also introverted like me), decided to "sing/dance" to a medley of songs and "I'm just a love machine" was what Mick and I performed.  We all decided to buy those hideous rubber masks representing past and wannabe Presidents - George Bush, Jimmy Carter and for Mick and I - Bill and Hillary Clinton.   Hence the song....It was posted on YouTube under Thee Presidents for quite some time but don't think it can be accessed now.

We were so much braver behind the masks.  I had no idea they were so empowering.

Which brings me to the topic that I have been pondering lately - social media.  Isn't that like wearing a mask?  Who doesn't feel braver when they can "hide" behind a keyboard?  This is evidenced by comments I continue to see which include (but are not limited to) judging, filthy language, armchair quarterbacking, all or nothing statements, blah, blah, blah.

So thankful for our Freedom of Speech constitutional rights that lets us throw common courtesy and decency to the wind.   I love how much smarter we all are now that we can fire off a response to any given topic, based solely on what is being presented.  No fact finding necessary to see if it is 1) true; or 2) tells the whole story.  How many of us have shared something as if it were gospel, only to find out later it was less than truthful if not just made up? 

I wonder if all the repercussions of social media were imagined when it first came out?  Surely it seemed like a good idea and venue to share family pictures, stories, blogs (here I am)....okay, even what you fixed for dinner.  #guilty

Miss knowing you!
What it has evolved to for some is a replacement for direct communication.   I promise you that there are some folks out there that if they never called me again, although they might not have a clue about what's really going on with me, I would still never miss a superficial  beat in their life.  I know where they have been, what they are wearing, what they are eating (and drinking) in addition to any attitudes, beliefs, judgments, etc. that they may have. 

There in lies another problem.  Surely we represent our "best selves" when we share the pictorial diary of our days.  No one shows what is "less than".  Why would you?  Unless you wanted to really connect with someone specific.  Optional these days.

Before I sign off, remember that while some of what I am sharing in this article is factual, other things are perception and opinion.  And since we live in a world where perception can quickly become reality, buyer beware!

Until next time,

your pal,

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