Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What lies between a Noun and a Verb is apathy

If you read last week's blog, you will have noticed, I HAVE A NEW GRANDDAUGHTER.  And I love her.  I say it, I believe it, but when it comes down to it....what does love have to do with it?  As a noun probably not much.  Because so many times, in today's is not enough.

Even the word "love" is overused or maybe overrated.  (As a noun, anyway).  How many times do we casually toss the word around?  I love Sonic (my example).  What does that mean?  Would I go to the ends of the earth for my Diet Green Tea, with a splash of peach, extra ice?  I think not.  In fact, there are days, (and I know some of you will find this hard to believe), that I make a choice not to go to Sonic.  That doesn't sound like love.    I am not going to focus on the things that love will not do.  That is something all of us are all too familiar with.  Let's talk instead about what love could do.

So, what is love?  I believe love only becomes alive as a verb.  When it takes action and evolves into something that is an extension of the intense feelings that love evokes.  Love is not just fathering (or giving birth) to a new baby, but putting that baby's needs before your own.  Not just when the baby first arrives. but as the baby grows into a toddler, a child, a sometimes not so lovable teenager.  Love is providing a stable home life (as best as one can) with examples of love being shown so that a child can imitate that love to his friends and future family by sharing and caring.

But can we trust that children should learn that love at home?  Watch the news on any given night and you will have the answer.  Whether it be choice (and not by the children) or circumstance (not by the parents), many of our children - our FUTURE, are living in poverty conditions, some abused, some neglected and in many cases, someone knows.  It could be a family member, neighbors, school teachers...but someone knows.  And yet these conditions look like "child's play" compared to children in other countries who must wake up to the sound of bombing, air strikes and the cries of those wounded and dead around them.

What can we do?  We must do what we can - every day.  Every time.  Take the judgement out of our eyes and put out our hands.  To lift someone up who needs help; a bag of groceries; a ride to the doctor.  Volunteering our time, treasure and talents.  And we shouldn't wait to be asked.  We know where we are needed.

Love is never a noun.  Let your love take action.  And it will lead you to a new level.

Until next time,


your pal,

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