Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How to appropriate when allocated

Working for the government is interesting and educational.  Did you know, when monies are allocated to a state budget (whichever one that might be), you must also have the same amount appropriated. I am not talking appropriate, as in behavior, but appropri8 (that is how you say it).  The definition is to  devote (money or assets) to a special purpose.  Allocation without appropriation is worthless.  You are appropriated your spending authority up to a certain amount.  This applies to all areas of the budget.  The appropriation is non-transferable.

It makes me reflect on a former leadership position I had a few years back.  I had plenty of responsibility/accountability allocated to me which was fine, but I soon found out my authority to act on same was suffering an appropriation shortage. It is like teaching a child to drive.  You have limited control over where the vehicle is going, yet you ultimately will be held accountable,  If you would have asked me if I would ever be someone's puppet, I would have laughed at you...but I danced at the end of that string for a long time.

So then I started thinking about our time and how we spend it.  We are all allocated the same amount of time every day.  What we don't know, is how long that time will continue to be appropriated.  We then choose how to appropriate (or spend) our time.  We can't buy time or transfer any unused time to another person, yet time is one of our most precious commodities.  Without it, we don't exist. All our days, memories. accomplishments happen in the context of time.

I remember reading that we spend one-third of our appropriated time on sleeping.  In the big picture of things, that is really frightening.  Yet, I don't like to go to bed late and would prefer to wake up naturally.

We are all very aware of being wasteful; be it with food, water, natural resources, etc.  Recycling is a big deal at our house.  How can we ever waste time, knowing that it can't be regained or recycled.  And that the appropriation could end tonight...or tomorrow?

Right now I am appropriating my time in Greece. Later this week, it will be Italy. My husband is worried that his idea of allocated funds and mine are different.  I think we all know the truth about that!

Until next time, it's all Greek to me🤓
Your pal,

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